Да ли ће технологија сексуалних лутки постати тежа



Yesterday I was lucky enough to see the first silicone sex doll I have ever seen. The most shocking thing is how incredibly difficult she is. It's actually like grabbing a pencil eraser. So the problem is these, this doll is a 165cm sex doll. She can't get support. So, are there any high-end dolls that are not supported? I would also like to say that this doll is absolutely beautiful, and in reality it is much more than any photo. The details are also great. She is really hard, but I can easily see the photo TPE can't compete! Her proportion is also much more accurate than any TPE doll I have ever seen! I only ask these questions. Because I have always heard that silicone dolls are harder than TPE dolls, but I never thought they would become harder. I have never seen or felt them. But I have seen and felt a variety of silicone dolls and a TPE.

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I would say that the silicone секс лутка I feel are as soft as the ones you describe. A cute doll, and other dolls that are softer than TPE. The doll (silica gel) has different silicone softness throughout the body, the chest and buttocks are the softest, they are very soft. Today, most American silicone dolls are almost as soft or soft as TPE. The difference is that silicone manufacturers use a hard foam core. So the skin is very soft, but if you squeeze the body, the foam will make you feel very difficult. Silicone breasts are softer because they have a very soft gel inside, while TPE breasts have the same material and Shore hardness. Silicone dolls can also be used in different parts of the body, such as hands and feet, but the TPE is stuck in a hardness. The breast softness test I set will give you an idea, but the test is the date of the bid. The updated dolls are now softer. In fact, the breasts are soft, but they feel hollow. I only think it is a thick silicone balloon. I don't feel bad, but it does have a hollow feeling. But I can't state how amazing the beauty is.

2019-07-01 05:13:42

A good point that I did not really think of. I'm a fairly short-lived person, I spent 6 to 12 months working and then although usually relocated in larger areas. If my current neighbor saw my real sex doll, I wouldn't care. In a few months, I will move again, this metropolitan area is very large.

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