Каква је тврдоћа коже вашег сексуалног лутака



My sex doll has harder skin. However, the skin of her two breasts is softer. They are not as soft as TPE, but I think they are more representative of human skin. In addition, tougher skin will prolong life. I received my TPE doll a few days ago and she is already injured. She has a "new" super soft mixture and both knees pass through the skeleton. Here is what I let her pose. So sex doll hardness may be unique to a particular manufacturer, and some silicone dolls are closer than TPE dolls, equal or even softer. "This is also different for sex doll manufacturers." I am correct because there is no mention. All high-end silicone dolls cannot be supported. If you rely on something to seek support, or if the skeleton of a sex doll is not enough to bear its weight.

Лубе Добављач Кожа



I think you will find that the "hardness" of a секс лутка will vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Not to mention year after year, because manufacturers try to use different silicone blends. Silicone not only has irreversible hardness/softness. You can mix silicone to make it very soft. I am not familiar with how TPE works. Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet. I think for most materials you will find a balance between softness and durability. Silicone is a good material because it hardly reacts with anything, almost nothing sticks to it, and so on. But it has a specific Shore A strength and it will be easier to tear if you go below. I think TPE has some of these qualities, usually softer and cheaper, but as far as I know, it doesn't have long-term durability like silicone. For me, I think my silicone dolls will feel "difficult", but there are things that are very important to me because I use a lot of my dolls. And I actually prefer a timbre, so it feels like me. You can use electric blankets to heat your sex dolls, because the warmer the material, the softer it is.

2019-07-01 05:20:43

I may be a ruthless person, but I don't need their approval or verification in this regard. I will not feel more liberated or empowered than I am now. The only possible exception is if the relationship with my current real sex dolls becomes more serious. This is also a completely valid point for those who think they are interested in dolls.

This article will introduce you to the concept of celebrity sex dolls, introduce you to the legal aspects of copyright, and finally, we will tell you where you can buy celebrity sex dolls. Let's jump in! Therefore, the most important thing is that if you only use it for personal consumption, you should rest assured to buy celebrity sex dolls. Disclaimer: We are not lawyers and speak only based on our personal experience.

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