Секс лутке немају скривену агенду



Sex is not free, and sex dolls are not. But with the advent of the impulse, the doll is ready, willing and ready to use. They have no headaches, periods, excuses, etc. They have no hidden agenda and excess baggage. Then, when the real girl leaves, you can have sex. When you have to let your girlfriend leave for sex, your doll is very sad! After the death of my beloved wife, I spent several years running my number online. The people I like almost never respond, but it seems that every fat woman on my planet at this age thinks she can have me. Sex dolls don't interfere with anything. When real girls appear, you can hide them in the closet.

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The problem is that most women have some sort of agenda. They use sex to seduce you, and once they think they have you, they will start to get you out of секс лутка. Before you know this, you are fortunate enough to get it twice a month and within six months of the relationship. what should I do? I move on. There are more "fish" in the water that can be "captured and released" at any time. : Evil: This reminds me that "a lot of fish" is free. But this did not help the cost of dating. For me, the most important thing is that I realize that my "needs" are 4-5 times a week. Let me be less than 3 times a week, my doll is slacking. If my doll has to bear the burden, you can say so, what should I do with my girlfriend? The older I am. The less likely I am to find a woman with sexual desire and common interests. Yeah, I am still looking for it, but it is not difficult. My standard makes sex dolls in my life.

2019-07-15 03:44:49

I think 160 CM is about 5 feet, and I take it for granted 132, like, I do n’t know, maybe 41/2 feet? However, I must defend myself by saying that I didn't pay much attention to the short doll who had seen the real sex doll section and tried to find big boobs and booty. My purpose is not to warn or prosecute you for any crime, but to warn our community of possible grey areas.

A standard full-size silicone or TPE sex doll weighs about 70 pounds on average. The weight of the sex doll varies according to the height and proportion of the doll. For example, a tall bust, big bust and wide hips can weigh up to 100 pounds, while a short and slim sex doll can weigh up to 50 pounds. A good example of a common sex doll is our 165 cm doll. She is a full-size realistic sex doll, 5"5" tall and 70 pounds in weight. She is of medium build and looks like an ideal woman.

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