Новак у потрази за нискобуџетном сексуалном лутком



I learned about this industry a few days ago, I want a sex doll. But I am confused about which one to choose. Basically, I hope to have a companion to accompany her and let her sleep with me and have sex with her. The two main factors are transportability and budget. Since I travel a lot, the doll should be loaded into the road bag in some way (only for the doll's special bag). Of course, this excludes full-size dolls. I saw 60-70 cm, but I don't think you can have sex with them. If I make a 100 cm doll to take a fetal posture and unscrew her head, is it realistic to load a road bag. I also have a budget. Is it realistic to expect to find a 100 cm doll for less than $800.

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The only way to get a 100cm секс лутка comes to urdolls. Tanabe's standard is close to the $700 you want (in the end I look, maybe more now) just 100cm high, the best hug doll for penetration. I have one that she has been in my bed almost every night for five years now. In terms of sex, it takes extra care because she is a fabric, not a machine wash. They do transport well. I took me to the rest of the country last summer. Each airport has different rules. In Manchester, I checked the box on the side of the road, but Burbank I had to bring it to the table, or I had to open the box on the side of the road. Both times they asked what was in the box. I just told them that this is a sex doll, not dramatic.

2019-07-15 04:51:17

I will find my favorite wigs and get a set of wigs that like the same wig and color, then buy it and sell it to other wigs at a discounted shipping price, but this can still save a lot of money. A wig. I know. That was an interesting idea. The bad thing is that such things don't work for real sex dolls.

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