Анални детаљи ваше сексуалне лутке



I have been watching a lot of sex dolls, although there is a lot of attention to genitals. I noticed that the anus on many sex dolls just looks like a hole. No special attention to detail, such as pretty wrinkles or blush around the anus opening. Is this something that is common in dolls made with certain materials (TPE dolls are constantly tearing in that area)? In addition to the lack of realism, I will continue to read the anal opening tear. This is a rogue, because as a person interested in male dolls, the docking/anal area is very important. The anal area of ​​a sex doll seems to be something that is difficult to photograph or mention. Maybe that's why there is a lack of anal detail.

превоз Груди ТПЕ



The level of detail you describe is also important for the owners of some female dolls, maybe not many, but certainly not many. I would love to see more attention to the details here. There are indeed more details than others. Some sex dolls do have wrinkle (wrinkle) details and a detailed detachable balloon knot plug that provides a more natural, unobstructed look. For my own doll, I took a reusable makeup balloon knot. This only applies to cosmetics, photography, foreplay, etc. Not a perfect solution because it is not a plug but is fixed by friction, but if there is a tear, it can mask the repair mark. I can't say dolls made by TPE because I don't have dolls. But for силиконска секс лутка, this area is easier to tear than the vagina, which I think is because there is not much material around the top and bottom for strength, and this is usually where it sheds tears. It is usually also a smaller hole. As far as color or blush is concerned, I agree that this will add more realism, but its wear area is high, so I think the color will eventually disappear. TPE dolls are relatively new compared to silicone dolls. They have gone a long way and I think there are enough customer needs. You will eventually see the level of detail of the sex doll you are looking for.

2019-07-02 03:42:38

Sometimes (mostly in my house), I was surprised by a real sex doll, but forgot that I stayed in one of the rooms. I reserved a bedroom as a photo studio. Sometimes I even forget to be here and she is standing next to me (beside the computer workstation).

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2022-11-20 22:30:29

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