Како сексуалне лутке допуњују сексуални живот



The fears expressed by the sex doll owners and the general public are mostly around the shame of possible use of dolls for sexual activity. This fear prompted most doll owners to keep their dolls secret with family, friends and employers. This is just a suggestion. Due to the simplicity of the documentary, you may want to downplay the gender perspective. Few married couples will recognize that sex is the main reason for their marriage. Those of us who have dolls want the beauty of a woman (or a man, a lady), but don't want to devote time, energy and money to relationships with living people. Some owners only bought sex dolls. Some of them quickly discovered that companions that dolls can provide are as important as gender when they are not engaged in sex. In fact, it is rarely here to boast about how much sex they do with sex dolls. And those few people may exaggerate their words.

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Честитамо на новом секс лутка! I am very happy to bear the financial burden of making a doll movie. I mentioned cooperation because, as I said above. I really don't want to be an outsider and push their ideas to a community. I really want to learn and open up new perspectives for myself. Actually - I think it would be great to talk to someone who just bought a sex doll or who is about to buy a doll. But of course there is no pressure. This is a good suggestion! I think the most interesting thing for me as a storyteller is the fact. I think, as you said, doll ownership is much more than what the public sees. Of course, I think the documentary is dishonest if it completely avoids sexual topics, but I want to look at it from a more emotional perspective and tell the subject why the doll provides supplements or transcendence. Of course, this is different in terms of the subject, but from what I have learned so far (I am still learning!), doll ownership far exceeds physical relationships. For me, intimate and companion dolls can bring the biggest selling point of most doll communities. But I really want to hear your thoughts about sex dolls.

2019-06-29 03:02:35

Since I don't have my own real sex dolls, I can't solve this problem directly. However, based on my experience as a homosexual, I can indirectly address this issue, which is similar to the issue discussed in this topic. As with any public disclosure of ethnic minority lifestyle choices, first you must be sure that this is what you really want to do.

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