Силиконске сексуалне лутке осећају се реалније за употребу

силикон лепа секс лутка are those love dolls that use high-quality silicone to make the look/feel more realistic and beautiful. Silicone is also very soft, durable and non-degradable, so it can also be used for breast implants. Silicone dolls are more resistant to water and pressure than any other type of sex doll. These types of dolls are super smooth and very realistic in nature. It has been tried and tested for a long time in the market. Silicone dolls can make your dark fantasy come true.
TPE dolls are much cheaper than silicone dolls, because TPE is a material with a lower production cost and has almost the same characteristics. They look real and human-like, and their soft and smooth body makes them easy to operate. They also have the ability to keep warm, and because of the elastic properties of TPE materials, they can be squeezed like real people. The material is also odorless and hypoallergenic, which makes it unlikely to cause allergic reactions.
Another popular use of sex dolls is as a photographic model. The realism displayed by these dolls is very fascinating and even attracts the attention of many famous fashion photographers. As mentioned earlier in this article, Helmut Newton is one of the famous photographers who took exclusive shots with тпе секс лутка. Stacey Leigh is one of the most famous and famous doll photographers today. She shows amazing creativity through various poses and settings. Even manufacturers hired her to shoot product portfolios for the newly launched doll series. Her work can be found online. The doll also performs the work of the mannequin. They can dress up as fashion designers and boutiques to display designer clothes. However, these dolls do not contain any work holes.

лепа секс лутка
Do not use any glue or adhesive solution. Both of these methods pose a great danger to the scalp of мушка полна лутка. In addition, they may also mess up the skin and form stains, which can cause damage.
Belts and elastic bands can be harmful to the doll-avoid using them. Any of these may cause permanent marks or dents, which may eventually damage the doll. The fixation requires only tightly fitting materials, not too tight materials.

We must be cautious about the color of the wig cap. Before choosing the best wig hat, we should always consider the skin color of the doll. Black blonde dolls tend to leave indelible dark marks, destroying the overall beauty of the doll. Brown skin tones can sometimes accommodate black skin tones; however, we must always be vigilant not to let it stay there for too long-this is likely to cause darkened stains.

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2022-11-20 22:30:29

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