Најтраженији су силикон и ТПЕ

When you find yourself in the лепа секс лутка market, one of the first decisions you have to make is which material you want to use to make the doll. Today, the two most popular materials used for sex dolls are silicone and TPE. Usually, these two materials are the most sought after, because dolls made of these materials not only look incredible, but also provide you with a realistic feeling. However, understanding the advantages and disadvantages of both can guide you to make the right decision to meet your needs.
Okay, so, what qualities does silicone have than TPE? a lot of! Platinum silicone resin is very stable, which means it will not sweat, will not decompose or deform over time. In addition, platinum silicone resin is odorless, hypoallergenic, chemically inert and non-toxic. If you want to sterilize or heat it with boiling water for sex, it will not melt. The most important aspect of platinum silicone resin is its hydrophobicity, which means it is less prone to mold and mildew than TPE. Silicone is also more realistic than TPE, but we will save it in another upcoming blog post.
тпе секс лутка can also take other forms, such as inflatable "love pillows." Known as "Dakimakura" in Japan, they may have pictures of life-size porn stars or anime characters printed on them. Although it is a sex toy, the love pillow is mainly used for hugging and hugging. However, it is absolutely possible to embrace life-size photos of their favorite porn stars, and leave the rest to their imagination. Dolls made of plush materials can also be used by people seeking comfort. These dolls are as soft as teddy bears and have love holes at work. For more information about Dakimakura, please see here.

лепа секс лутка
For those who like to change sex wigs frequently, this is the best alternative. It is only similar to the previous one, except that we now use adhesive Velcro instead of hairpins.

How to solve this problem is simple. Place either side of the Velcro on the wig and hat. Next, put the wig on the head of the doll on the wig cap. The Velcro squares will be rearranged and fixed to wear a мушка полна лутка wig in the most suitable part.

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Блацк Фридаи Сек Долл Бранд Сале Онлине Схоппинг Цоллецтион


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