Да ли имате сексуалне лутке које могу да трепћу и дишу



If you just have an affordable sex doll. "I am not rich", this will not produce incredible problems or collapse within 6 months, which will be very good. The new technology of sex dolls sounds good, but it sounds better: we are correcting known issues! These are the two main reasons why I have not bought a doll (the mannequin is $2,500, really?). Of course, having a doll that can blink and "breath" sounds great, and that's what urdolls promised us. But anyway, your mind will let them do it. Of course, some problems are indeed beyond their control. But the rest of the problem usually takes a lot of time and effort to solve - both of these problems cost money and must ultimately come from somewhere.

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I am writing a short story about a секс лутка robot. He holds his lack of sexuality in his own hands. In the end, I was caught in a serious dilemma. Fortunately, the campus authorities decided to retire his artificial intelligence instead of "destroying" him basically in accordance with his plan. Yes, at the end of the story, someone enters the sex doll shop they sell to him. Then buy the "refurbished" sex doll at the price ($1,800).

2019-07-09 04:12:58

My doll has a working wardrobe. However, I do buy things just for photography, and then I do n’t have to use them much. So I would be interested in such things. Please tell me if anyone has come up with such a system, or if it already exists, or is it just a stupid real sex dolls idea (I can accept criticism).

"Carolina, you look great!" he yelled. "Why don't you come in?" She smiled. He walked into her apartment obediently, ready to beautify her. However, once he took an enthusiastic step towards her, she took a step back. "Oh, no...it will be different today, Jonny. Kneel down!" she demanded strongly. Jonny was taken aback, took off his jacket and stood up, "I never knew you liked this kind of stuff." He muttered quietly. "Quiet!" she hissed. She turned around and took out a metal collar and chain from the closet. Jonnie stared at her cute, bare buttocks and felt herself becoming strong.

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