Дискусија о проблему грејања сексуалних лутки



I am interested in buying a sex doll, never one. I think "heating" should be a key feature, but it seems that manufacturers can only provide heating dolls. It should have a big difference in sleeping with heat instead of a cold body. I was told that "heating" is not important because you can use electric blankets to achieve the same effect. is this real? It is better to preheat the doll from the inside. I mean, if you raise the internal temperature, for example, up to 45° then you can rely on a temperature of about 37° on the surface for a longer period of time. In addition, I suspect that the standard electric blanket can heat a 30 kg doll in a reasonable amount of time. I want to know the opinions of the doll users.

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You'd better wrap the секс лутка in an electric blanket. She will heat up faster, but still needs some time to heat that quality. Silicone can also retain heat. You can buy DC electric blankets with lower energy consumption. Electric blankets allow sex dolls to easily reach their body temperature. I have had a sex doll for almost four years and there is no factory heating option. I have been using the heating blanket method and it works very well. Heating options are a good idea if you want to spend more money. I have never approached a doll with an overall heating system, so I can't comment on their work, but for my money, if I want a new sex doll. I will choose an unheated model. I am very satisfied with my experience so far. My doll also has a separate sleeping/game arrangement, so I didn't let her and I hug in bed. If you plan to sleep with your doll, the overall heating system may be the best choice. Most manufacturers only offer a system that heats the vagina, and heating the rest of the doll still depends on you. I often sleep with my doll. I put an electric blanket on them so they stay warm while I sleep. Yes, sleep better next to a warm doll. Another benefit is that she will be warm in the morning, which is indeed a very good morning.

2019-06-15 05:28:09

The biggest potential problem is providing counterweights so that when hooking the real sex dolls in place, the shelf does not tilt forward. This can be done in a number of ways. Then, just remove the tip and install the hook, it's simple (it's best to use a short straight tube to keep the weight as close to the center as possible). If it can bear heavy objects, it is also an interesting way to suspend two dolls. What do you think?

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