Не могу ли користити минерално уље или уље за бебе на сексуалној лутки



I want to cheer for my sex doll. I went to the local supermarket tonight and could not find crude oil and mineral oil. They have baby oil, but I don't want any scented stuff to be added to TPE perfume. If they make odorless baby oil, do I think this is the same as ordinary mineral oil? Also, if I use mineral oil or baby oil to make the whole doll, why would I use Vaseline to apply the vagina? Can't I use mineral oil or baby oil on a sex doll? For some reason, Vaseline is more suitable for high stress areas? Guys, thank you for the information.

Уље одабрати ТПЕ



It’s easy to refuel your sex dolls. To do this, you need a grease gun, 15 accessories and some rear gear oil. Install the accessories on the ankle, knees, hips, back, shoulders, elbows, wrists and neck. Connect the grease gun and start pumping. She should hold about 4 quarts. The most basic form of TPE is nothing more than polypropylene and white oil "mineral oil" or polyethylene and white oil "mineral oil". Of course, most formulations add other substances as additives of different nature. But its core is resin and mineral oil. In fact, it is a good explanation, thank you. I think TPE dolls are chemically similar to thermoplastic toys. When a TPE секс лутка sweats, it is because she has reached saturation and oil seeps out. But when the sex doll is dry, it is when she splits. Hope this helps explain it in some pretty way.

2019-06-28 02:53:22

Therefore, I do not recommend the manufacturer's website. Nudity is a big tip on how to use these real sex dolls, which will bother some people. Everyone who knows me knows these dolls. This includes family, friends, people who worked with me, people I used to go to church, most people in this apartment building, people we met while taking pictures, and others who used to be in the living room.

Her prettyest brother chose to live on campus this year, and the other decided to live with friends. Vicky is very happy to own his apartment again. Before her first brother graduated from high pretty, she enjoyed two years of independent life, and then spent two years with her second brother a year later. Her parents insisted that she had let them move since the university was located in the city center, and they wanted her brother to "be with his family."

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