Можете ли ми дати неки професионални савет о куповини секс лутке



Because I have no experience dealing with sex dolls. I don't know if I can handle her weight. Under the "used" condition, I have been taken care of by those who have a smaller doll price that can almost reach the price. I may know about sex doll handling and care before entering the big plunge. The message I received was a direct result of the release of the experience request here. I think I tend to be in that direction. What are the recommendations of professionals? For reference only, my money is very tight, so I would rather spend a few dollars now, and don't waste a lot of hard-won dough because I didn't make a good decision. I believe they will be embarrassed and I am really looking forward to finding the answer. But now maybe I should start with a sex doll below 150 cm.

Предложи одабрати Куповина



This process is really hard when you buy sex dolls for the first time. There are many options on the market that can be confusing based on different factors. The following information will help you decide where to start when looking for a reasonably priced, best performing секс лутка. Things are not that simple, just like buying a car. You will get one million people to give you one million different reasons, but this is only their opinion. Find out the options offered by different companies based on what you can afford. You need to figure out what type of options you want to choose on your sex doll. More options may cost more, so keep this in mind.

2019-06-27 02:32:45

I think if you invite someone over and there are 6 real sex dolls staring at them, then they have a 99% chance of being slipped away. Let them know the idea once and then they will find it easier to accept. The idea of showing them a doll site is undoubtedly a good way to achieve this. Or discuss "artificial partners" in a more philosophical context to get them to think about a more generalized version of the topic.

Sex doll pornography and videos, if you are looking for the cheapest and easiest option to understand what it's like to own and have sex dolls, you should browse some sex doll porn videos. Provides a large collection of free sex doll porn videos, allowing you to better understand the possibilities of sex dolls. Videos (not just product photos) will show you the movement and behavior of silicone or TPE materials. You will also see popular posts and be able to determine if sex doll sex is of interest to you.

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2022-11-20 22:30:29

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