Обезбеђивање дуговечности и приватности силиконских секс лутака

When it comes to your silicone СЕ Доллс, proper care is critical to its longevity and your privacy. How to ensure your silicone sex dolls are stored properly to protect their quality and maintain your privacy.


Before storing your silicone sex doll, clean it thoroughly with mild, non-abrasive soap and warm water. Rinse carefully, making sure to remove all soap residue. After cleaning, pat dry with a soft, clean towel. Make sure it is completely dry to prevent mold or mildew growth.

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Where to store:

Складиштите свој силиконска секс лутка in a natural, relaxed position to avoid stress on its joints. Avoid bending or twisting the limbs unnaturally, as damage or deformity may result over time. Use a dedicated doll stand or support system to maintain its shape and posture.

Wrap Protection:

Consider wrapping your silicone sex doll in a clean, breathable fabric, such as cotton or silk cloth. This provides an extra layer of protection from dust, dirt and light while allowing air to circulate to prevent moisture buildup.

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Контрола температуре:

Make sure your storage location maintains a moderate temperature. Extreme heat or cold can damage the silicone material and affect its texture and appearance. Avoid storing doll where it will be exposed to direct sunlight as UV rays can cause fading or discoloration.


If privacy is an issue, purchase a storage box or container specifically designed for Иронтецх Доллс. These cases provide privacy and protection, allowing you to safely store your silicone sex doll away from prying eyes.

Редовно одржавање:

Check your silicone sex doll regularly, even while in storage, for any signs of damage, deterioration, or loose joints. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure the longevity of the doll.

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Руковати пажљиво:

When moving or transporting your silicone sex doll, please use caution to protect your privacy. Use an inconspicuous suitcase or cover the doll with a large garment or blanket to avoid drawing unwanted attention.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure the longevity and privacy of your silicone sex doll. Proper storage practices help preserve its quality, allowing you to enjoy its lifelike features for extended periods of time while protecting your privacy.

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Блацк Фридаи Сек Долл Бранд Сале Онлине Схоппинг Цоллецтион


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