Шта ћете користити за лепу секс лутку



I started with the first personality doll. Then realize that I better spend more money to buy pretty sex dolls. This is a better index doll. Needless to say, I have several dolls over the years. When I designed the doll on the prosthetic scene, I asked a simple question. What is the difference between different thigh options? This is not only the weight, but also the problem of entanglement in a doll when lifting weights, her arms, head, legs, center of gravity, and no actual handles. Moreover, you can't grab all the weight just by any old grab points. A 70-pound sex doll is not too much, so I don't want to scare you. Instead, be careful with heavy objects, such as 80 pounds to 100 pounds.

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лепа секс лутка skeleton is steel. Therefore they can always support their weight in many poses. Worth pondering. Also remember what you intend to use for the doll. Theism is the most photographed doll, but if you want to pay more attention to sex, then other dolls may be more suitable for your needs. Someone told me that sex dolls perform better in bed, even though I am very satisfied with my sin. Sometimes, some manufacturers only have a certain look and therefore limit your choice. This option is used to make the inside of the thigh larger than normal. I believe they use a softer foam core. A good choice for black cats. If you use a black liquid vinyl bodysuit, you will need stockings, otherwise black will penetrate into the silicone. Similarly, since she is a painting, you can choose any sex doll face. But it may seem to be the best part.

2019-09-24 04:49:23

The pretty is particularly known for having fragile bones, and it is necessary to be more vigilant during the various rest periods that allow him to rest. And I don't hide that if they don't have such a reputation, many people will choose Isabel. If I remember correctly, he is 37 years old. It was this face that made me discover the world of dolls. Did you buy it on one of this site?

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