Лепак се може растопити или уништити сексуалну лутку ТПЕ



With all due respect: I know very little about TPE sex dolls. But my sex doll is a mixture of silicone, PVC and mineral oil. At least that's what I heard. Organic silicon itself has more interesting chemistry. So, if you ask me today, silicone has more room for improvement. Both can tear, but repair is easier because glue is a simple adhesive used in silicone and can be applied to the torn area with a thin mesh to help strengthen it. On my DS, the tear is a centimeter, and I hear it on almost every doll. However, the fix is simple and works well. But when using TPE sex dolls, special adhesives must be used to fix them. The adhesive usually melts or damages the area.

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Silicone seems to age well, while ТПЕ секс лутка start out well and elastic, but it doesn't age. So there's no obvious reason for tearing. I never had a TPE doll, and the TPE eventually degenerated into a slimy mess and was thrown away. I washed them, dried them, powdered them, but they still went to hell about a year later. Japanese sleeves seem to go longer before they get squishy. I have a silicone plugin made 2 years ago that I can go out now and it's still perfect. I got a good return. Not all tpe sex dolls are the same, and not all silicone dolls are the same. The stupid opinion of organosilicone is better for the simple fact that A it is inert, which means that its composition will not change. B it's also non-porous. Tpe sex dolls are said to be softer, more elastic and can be maintained with proper care.

2019-08-23 04:47:21

Hello, I am 35 years old and I am going to be separated. It has been a while since I wanted to buy a love doll and I wanted to find a lot of information before buying a love doll. I introduced myself. I am a 52 year old man. I have been interested in dolls for a long time. My recent celibacy made me want one. I registered this discussion because it seemed to provide a lot of information.

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2022-11-20 22:30:29

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