Ако је силиконска лутка склонија уметности

ovo Јапанска секс лутка should be produced by Apple Computer and Japan's existing doll manufacturer. Japanese manufacturers can provide material design. Apple Computer can develop the hardware and software development of the main computer, and the help of the university is also needed. , Manufacturing the design of the skeleton, Yuqi is the movable function of the hands and feet.

"They look beautiful, don't get sick, don't feel, and can provide any service without complaint. People can use them according to their own preferences," Schwartz told Deutsche Welle about the advantages of these sex dolls. She said that the sex doll rental business welcomes about 5 to 12 customers every daymostly men, but occasionally there are women or couples.

Jinsan dolls, if the silicone dolls are more of a work of art, then Jinsan's approach is practical. Jinsan doll is made of highquality TPE material, which is well controlled in terms of oil and odor. Compared with the silicone dolls, the price is much cheaper. However, there is still a gap between the head carving level and the body details. Jin Sanjia also pointed the technology tree to some strange places, and developed a Тпе секс лутка with AI intelligent voice, which is similar to Siri and Xiao Ai. You can buy a doll at home and ask her how the weather is today. You can also add components such as voice sound and constant temperature heating, which is very practical.

аниме сек лутка сек

"Bellmer broke his Лове Долл and rearranged his characters in a fetish and erotic manner, thereby alleviating his fear of castration and expressing his creativity. In 1937, he created a third Wawa, but this time is even more weird and scary. It looks a bit creepy, and most people should not have much sexual interest.

The Japanese use the bionic function of the robot in the development and manufacture of dolls, and many dolls have realistic feedback functions. For example, some dolls can make different sounds through the strength of their owner. Some dolls are also equipped with sensors on their chests and provide different body feedback according to the degree of contact pressure. In order to keep improving and carry forward the spirit of craftsmanship, the Japanese are also very careful in details. For example, the mouth material of the doll is made of medical elastic materials instead of silicone, so that the mouth of the doll has stronger tear resistance and gives a more realistic feeling.

The wooden doll was skillfully carved by professional craftsmen of the time. However, this process takes a long time. In addition, many doll manufacturers cannot afford the costs associated with making wooden јефтине лутке за секс, so they have to find alternatives. In the 17th century, France resumed the use of the original Chinese pulp to make objects. Therefore, this material is also used for dolls. Wax also became a common material for making dolls.


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