Да ли знате историју развоја секс лутака?

Do you know the development history of sex dolls? The јефтине лутке за секс industry has an abundance of life-size love dolls, which are bigger than ever before and are constantly evolving. But how did this development come about? Where did sex dolls originally come from? According to legend, the life-like love doll can be traced back to more than 2,000 years ago. Roman poet Ovid, a collection of poems and myths published in 8 BC, which also contains the story of Pygmalion. In the story, the King of Cyprus and sculptor Pygmalion carved a statue of a beautiful girl, Galatia. He fell in love with her and hoped that she would have life. When Galatea brought life to Aphrodite and could sleep with Pygmalion, his wish came true.

Others have reported on 17th-century Dutch seamen, who are considered the first pioneers of true sex dolls. It is said that they were looking for sex partners on long trips and made the first original sex dolls out of old clothes and rags. Therefore, one can correctly say that the doll has come a long way so far. The other two terms are more general, but this is still the origin of the expression "Dutch wife" and is sometimes used in place of sex dolls or love dolls.

You may always wonder if ВМ Доллс are comfortable to use. If you don’t know, maybe you should find out if the doll you use on the bed is comfortable enough to satisfy all your craziest needs and desires. If the dolls you use are not very comfortable to use, maybe it is time for you to replace them, otherwise you may have health problems for a period of time.

Самантха интелигентна лутка за секс-14

These are all reasons why buying a Лове Долл is better than cheating on your partner. However, owning sex dolls also has some disadvantages. Although you might think they are friendly, they do need a little time to adjust. If you are not careful, it can also be addictive. There is a difference between having what you want and becoming obsessed, and this is the difference when you buy a sex doll instead of going out and others cheating on your partner.

Love dolls-such as our Asian and Thai sex dolls-are not just an enhanced toy, they can be used for sexual pleasure. After decades of use and experience by users and their manufacturers, today's modern products have been developed and improved. Their vaginas, mouths and anus are very realistic, and their designs look and feel just like what you see on real women.

She can help you explore all your fetishes or fantasies, fantasy love dolls; threesome; group sex; can provide chicks with chicks and customized orders. If your wife or husband is not interested or unable to help you explore the desires, fetishes or fantasies you may have, then Asian sex dolls are the perfect solution for you. Your love and Мушка полна лутка will obey you and your wishes 100%, and you will be free to explore your craziest fantasies without acknowledging or considering the limitations or personal judgments of anyone else.

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Блацк Фридаи Сек Долл Бранд Сале Онлине Схоппинг Цоллецтион


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