Могу се приказати стотине изражајних љубавних лутака

Данас, Лове Долл have been gradually accepted by everyone, so everyone has thought about what to do after love dolls are no longer needed? It doesn't matter, today, the editor of urdolls teaches everyone how to deal with love dolls that are no longer needed. Many people believe that love dolls were invented in the 20th century. However, historical records of love dolls first appeared in the 17th century. More than 400 years ago, Dutch soldiers created leather love dolls. They sold the love doll to the Japanese.

Therefore, love dolls are sometimes called "Dutch wives" in Japan. What you need to remember is not to use hot water as it may damage the skin of the love doll. Try to use medium temperature water for TPE love dolls. Spraying water or immersing the love doll's head in water is a big nono, as this may cause rust or deformation of the head. If possible, remove the love doll's head before bathing her.

In addition, avoid placing the јефтине лутке за секс directly on the floor of the bathtub. If you live in Norway, you can buy love dolls, but if you don’t want to end up paying a huge fine or even 3 years in prison, there is a law you need to pay attention to. As early as 2017, the Norwegian Supreme Court signed a law prohibiting citizens from buying love dolls under 125 cm because of concerns that pretty love dolls may be at risk of pretty abuse.

тпе секс играчке

Enter her from behind and pump hard or smoothly according to your preference. If you prefer rough sex, the dog's posture will give you an additional benefit. You can hit your love doll just like you did to your partner. Take care to protect your love doll’s knees from rubbing, and once you are done, pull the love doll to a neutral position to avoid longterm damage. For example, some men began to regard these love dolls as real partners, and thus saw them as real wives.

They will not treat these love dolls as merely objects of their sexual pleasure. The Japanese love doll industry has also given these love dolls a unique title as Dutch wives. We hope to see some medical research, or at least some sociological research, that can truly measure the benefits of love dolls. Photography and fashion models are one of the most popular uses of love dolls.

Many people feel extremely happy and satisfied while exploring their photography and fashion skills with тпе секс лутка as models. This is a good example of how love dolls can positively influence and change people's lives. Japanese scientists have also developed love dolls that can play piano and violin, which can display hundreds of expressive love dolls.

They are full of happiness, anger, sadness and joy, but they have one premise: high prices. Therefore, at this stage, it will take some time to promote advanced artificial intelligence to mass consumer products. Like all your other material possessions, learn to take care of the love doll every day. Cleaning her after each use and bathing her once or twice a week are important factors in extending the life of the love doll and ensuring that she is always beautiful and beautiful. Use warm water and disinfectant soap to clean the inner wall of the vagina to avoid any stains and infections.

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