Забавите се уз секс лутке

You may be curious about лепа секс лутка and may have already purchased one. If you are looking for something that can give you great sexual excitement, then sex dolls are a good choice, but how do you use sex dolls? You may not know where to start, but rest assured, we will list everything you know how to use sex dolls.

Use lubricants and do not have sex with your sex doll without a lot of lubricants (if your doll is made of silicone, please remember to use only silicone safe, synthetic safe lubricants ). It is uncomfortable to have sex with a doll “dry” without lubricant, and you will not enjoy this experience.

Have you ever wondered why Japanese sex dolls are so popular? There are several reasons why people are attracted to these beauties. First, Japanese sex dolls have unique, innocent faces, depicting an undeveloped culture eager to explore your touch. In addition, Japanese culture is very reserved, and women cherish their prettyity very much. Similarly, their sex dolls are designed with a tight vagina, allowing you to taste and enjoy for a long time. These petite sex dolls are seductive, innocent, seductive and very submissive, which makes men like them.

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But, perhaps more importantly, using a sex doll without lubricant may damage her artificial meat. Over time, this may shorten the lifespan of the sex doll. In order to keep the sex doll in its best condition and have the greatest fun and the best simulated sex experience with her, please always be generous with lubricants.

Therefore, now that we have determined why Asian sex dolls are idolized worldwide, why not pay attention to some of Japan's top sex dolls in 2020. Standing at 5 feet 2 inches, Yuna promises to change your average sex life and take it to the next level. This amazing Japanese sex doll represents the fusion of the upbringing of Japanese Orientals and wild Western culture. Although she was born and raised in the United States, Yuna speaks fluent English, which is what she learned after a short stay in the United States.

Never share your doll. Some of our clients use their мушка полна лутка to promote threesomes and swings. This is great, but remember that if you and another person have unprotected sex with the same personality doll at the same time or again and again, it is essentially like having unsafe sex between each other. Unless you are A) having unprotected sex with others, do not share your sex doll with others. Or B) Use condoms.

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