Зато што може оштетити кожу сексуалних лутака

This is undoubtedly the perfect choice for those who have lost hope of establishing a good romantic relationship with a real partner, or who do not have the necessary skills to establish or maintain a relationship, or who just want purer love. The Australian man named Murray revealed his relationship with the аниме секс лутка to the media, from which we can see how the owner of the sex doll becomes normal and how to get along with non-traditional partners naturally.

Murray really likes his doll, he named it Nonni. In addition, under certain circumstances, your partner may be forced to have an eye-catching 140 cm sex doll in Chicago, which can further determine whether you are cheating on your partner. These situations are actually questions that will bring you real answers. Do you desperately need a sex doll? Do you feel out of touch with your partner? Is your partner no longer interested in you?

Does the partner always go out to work? The honest answers to these questions will determine whether you are cheating. Just as showering is essential to you, so it is to your јефтине лутке за секс. Можете је окупати или окупати са њом. Оно што треба да запамтите је да не користите топлу воду јер може оштетити кожу лутке. Покушајте да користите воду средње температуре за ТПЕ лутке. Прскање водом или урањање главе лутке у воду је велика не-не, јер то може изазвати рђу или деформацију главе.

If possible, remove the doll's head before bathing her. In addition, avoid placing the doll directly on the floor of the bathtub. It is undeniable that people's attention to sex dolls far exceeds its practical use. They are catalysts for misconduct. This gives some ideas, if they can apply their dangerously distorted mentality to dolls, they can do the same to humans. However, not all doll owners think so, which proves that it has more to do with a person's temperament and has nothing to do with sex dolls.

Realistic and humane. With a more realistic look and makeup, it looks so real from head to toe. The epidermis feels better, just like touching real skin. The hair on the head and all over the body and the details on the fingertips are well done, which is breathtaking. Ideally, the person you love is tolerant, regardless of whether they understand the idea or not. Some people may even allow you to use your љубавна лутка, but they would rather not see it or know the subtleties. If you admit this, that's great.

I believe that many friends on the sex doll forum are the same as Ta-Bo. Their parents are unaware of the existence of "companions" and will not invite them to visit their works. Indeed, holding a doll, changing clothes, and cleaning are almost like taking care of a bedridden person, but for him and many like-minded friends, sex dolls are the only emotional outlet. How to wear a sex doll wig correctly? A sociological expert warned that as lonely singles begin to abandon traditional interpersonal interactions and choose AI robot dolls, the gradual improvement of smart dolls may lead to a decline in the global birth rate and ultimately increase the global population. reduce.



Најава стварних секс лутки


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