Произвођачи имају разне начине да направе јапанске секс лутке



Before I forget. I am not trying to suggest that a Japanese doll with a foam core is hollow. They are always solid, but there is a dense foam under the silicone layer. My own experience: I have a doll for about 2.5 years, only a finger poke and a smudge tear. I quickly solved the odor until it went bad (it's easy). I am still studying finger stamps, but this is because I am lazy, and they are not that critical. Therefore, I am not too old, I can guarantee the overall durability of my doll. Especially because she is my first. And I had to learn a lot about her Japanese sex dolls with her.

јапански Инвестирати Чистити



My Јапанска секс лутка is only 6 months old. So it is too early to make any judgment now. But I can say that nothing broke except the eyelashes were slightly loose. What can I add to the answer (not much, he is very detailed): 1. Doll makers have a variety of ways to make dolls, some are more flexible, so they are less likely to be damaged by motion. . Some have fewer bones and therefore require less surgery (this is a typical example). Some people can put their legs together and some can't. It has also been possible to develop a joint option to increase the range of back movement of some dolls. You only need to know the brand/model of the Japanese sex doll and its functions. And a representative of the manufacturer.

2019-10-07 05:12:23

Infidelity can be defined as a breach of a couple's exclusive emotional and pornographic contract. The main thing that is thought of and thought of infidelity is sex, but in reality, many forms of betrayal occur from time to time, and sex is not involved. According to research, more than 60% of married couples are addicted to some form of infidelity at some point in their marriage.

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