Ја никада не могу да дозволим себи да померим очи јапанске сексуалне лутке



Most of my mistakes are related to dealing with Japanese sex dolls. I started using inflatable products, so moving them and changing clothes is always easy. When I got the silicone doll, everything changed. When I lost my balance, I gave up on her several times. I have some costumes that irritate me when I try to get them to open - it's not a good thing. I ripped the lace on a dress that was too tight. After that, I opened the back of the dress at the waist. I have never had a dye problem, even though I left my clothes on a sex doll for a few weeks at a time. I can never let myself move her eyes.

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It seems to be easy, and it should be easy to get them back to their original position. When the Јапанска секс лутка was in a wheelchair, I stopped the brakes. She almost left me. Once I tried to lean her on a tree. Her knee gave up and she slipped off her suitcase. Fortunately, the silicone on her back was not damaged. I moved a lot of hands for the photo. The hand on the left hand passes through the silicone more than once. These two things are not good for me and I can't cure them. This made me bother than anything, and I did a terrible job of fixing that hand. Now the sex doll looks like a burn mark.

2019-09-09 04:09:06

I want the D Cup, but the body of 160 is not attractive to me, and here I am attracted by a doll in 165 now. But in the F Cup. I have minor repairs to it now, the weight will feel a little bit, but it should be fine. There are no stairs in me ... but there is also no bath .. This will be impractical, but we will adapt. I didn't mean to treat her cruelly and didn't want to ask her too much (transcendental ...), but bones were one of the factors that made me lose weight for 6 years.

She explored her body greedily with both hands, then reached out and pushed Isobel's nightgown below her hips. The king stood back, speechless, watching his wife devour the girl. The queen is a lecherous woman, and the king always finds that it is good for him to do so, so that she has what she wants.

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2022-11-20 22:30:29

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