Хибридна силиконска прогресивна поправка сексуалних лутки



I know it's an adhesive, but the sex doll is made of silicone. If some silicone is missing from the doll's finger. Can silicon oxide act as other silicones and fill holes? If adhesive or silicone? Can I add silicone to some holes? If neither of the above methods can be used to repair the silicone hole, can the two parts of the silicone be used? I think the two parts of silicone are silicone, not a binder? Therefore, I still need to buy an adhesive such as silicone caulk, and stick 2 parts of silicone to the doll? Use only the type of silicone that the doll manufacturer recommends on the doll. Remember to do a repair operation on the doll. Take some time while mixing the recommended silicone repair adhesive and performing a sex doll repair. Spending more time doesn't necessarily mean better.

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Silicone is completely different from your секс лутка. It is very useful for repairing cuts and tears where the edges still meet and provide large areas of adhesion. But not enough for filling holes. When it heals, these things are much harder than the silicone skin of the doll, and if not used carefully, it leaves a distinct ridge. Similar, although it might be better. It is packed in a pretty tube, but you don't need a lot. In order to fill the hole you will need two parts. It is made of the same material as the doll and has the same color, assuming you are planning to order from the manufacturer of the doll. Having said that, it makes sense - your doll manufacturer knows her better than anyone else. If they make a suggestion on their website or via email. Take it seriously, your doll will thank you - and you will thank her.

2019-11-21 04:56:38

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Најава стварних секс лутки


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