Најскупља сексуална лутка је 100% слична стварној особи

Speaking of the most expensive sex dolls, her price is very expensive. Why? Because her workmanship is good, the секс лутка materials are all rubber or silicone, very realistic and almost like real people, and they look good. Although they are very realistic, there are still flaws, which are in their hands. So let's get to know the most expensive sex dolls now.

1. Dolls are so expensive because of good workmanship.
The purpose of making Јапанска секс лутка is to meet the desires of men. As people's requirements are getting more and more, the technology of making sex dolls is getting higher and higher. Prior to this, Japan created a doll that can be faked. Because of its 100% resemblance to real people, it has attracted everyone's attention. At the time of the exhibition, the real person and the doll were together. If the real person doesn't move, then you think the two are twins. Companies that make sex dolls can produce between 500 and 600 dolls per month. And the doll materials they produce are special, so the price is also very expensive.

2. What kind of dolls are there?
Dolls are toys that single dogs want. Generally, they are searched on urdolls. They are available in various styles and shapes. The prices range from low to high. Dozens of them can be bought. There are a few expensive ones. Hundreds, even thousands. But these dolls are weakly burst in front of the world's most expensive supersex doll. Generally shaped dolls, because they are simulated, have relatively rough shapes, which can only simulate the structure of humans, and cannot give people beautiful enjoyment. The solid doll is also divided into several grades. The low-grade ТПЕ секс лутка, the material texture cannot approach the real human body, and the structure can only simulate simple joint activities, and the joints are easily deformed.

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Блацк Фридаи Сек Долл Бранд Сале Онлине Схоппинг Цоллецтион


2022-11-20 22:30:29

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