Искуство ТПЕ и силиконских секс лутки зависи од материјала


In recent years, with the upgrading of consumption, the inflatable quality 100цм секс лутка are not as good as physical dolls, so physical dolls have opportunities to appear. There are also many physical doll manufacturers in China, and the technology is also topnotch. Of course, this is related to money. Directly proportional.

The main advantages of silicone doll materials: 1. Easy to clean, 2. Not sensitive to heat 3. Silicone dolls have a long history.

Најбоље силиконске секс лутке

Silicone is also easier to clean, and few people complain. If you are used to a certain experience of silicone Мушка полна лутка, it may be exactly what you are looking for. Silicone sex dolls have been around for longer, so if you are more familiar with these models, it may provide any poses.

TPE sex doll: It is undeniable that TPE sex doll adult is one of the most complicated and complicated sexual pleasure products on the market today. This is composed of thermoplastic rubber. The squeezable skin on the TPE sex doll has a realistic texture and will shake with your every move. They are also very soft and feel good to the touch. The TPE sex doll made of this material is also longlasting and longlasting.

The main advantages of TPE doll materials: 1. Hypoallergenic, 2. Flexible, squeezable, softer, 3. Lower cost, 4. No smell

Постоји много предности куповине лепа секс лутка. For many people, the most important feature of sex dolls is their realistic texture, which turns sexual fantasies into reality. We provide here a comprehensive guide on how to take care of lifelike TPE sex dolls.

The two main materials used to make realistic dolls are TPE and silicone, each of which has advantages and disadvantages. TPE sex dolls can easily gain the upper hand. In addition, it is soft and warm, making you feel like you are with a real person. Although neither of these two materials can meet all the requirements of an ideal doll, they both provide excellent functions that can take personal pleasure to a new level.




Најава стварних секс лутки


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