Да ли сте чули да користите сексуалне лутке за складиштење у поткровљу?

After shaking vigorously, bring the shower into the vagina, then bring it to the anus, then press it several times. In our store, you'll find more than 200 love dolls made of "silicone" or "quality TPE" materials. Despite the silicone doll's production details and high quality materials.

One of our customers shared with us how his sex dolls are stored. I hope this article will help you find space for sex dolls. He likes to make his dolls both hidden and safe. For this reason, he always likes the storage of the attic. Why choose the attic? First, it is not part of the house, except for the most awkward guests, it is often, or may be difficult to reach.

Any of these dolls and tell me they are not beautiful. These materials feel almost like skin and allow manufacturers to create very realistic dolls. Some are simple and straight dolls, some are inflatable toys, and some are equipped with AI technology to make them more responsive and realistic. However, for many people with anxiety, trauma or other personal problems, intimacy is not always found.

It can be mounted on a roof bracket above the opening. It can also be installed in a lower room with a pulley on it, but it will be more noticeable. You can find one of them in the hardware or ship (ship) supply store.

His house has a lot of attic space to use, but there is no way to go. So, he made the attic access door. note! If you are cutting the opening yourself, use it carefully! There is a wire through the center of the opening I cut! Slow down, cut one layer at a time. Don't do deep before deciding what's there.

This is not a tutorial on how to build it in detail, it's just an idea of what is possible. First of all, you need to be able to store a силиконска секс лутка lying down. Place a 2 foot x 5 foot foam pad, 2 inches thick, and glue it to luan plywood. It is soft enough for long-term storage and rigid enough to slide.

In order to move the sex doll vertically into the attic space, a spur gear manual winch may come in handy. This type of manual winch has a locking mechanism to prevent the line from paying for when you lose grip.

Below is the plastic furniture slider. Even if you have a doll on it, you can easily slide with one hand. at the door. It still needs to be installed trimmed to make it look good. Double 2X4 on each side, supporting dual 2X4 connectors. Don't want to weaken the wall. The framework is correct!

Opening ceremony. The pink 1/2 inch foam insulation is a reflective insulation. Basically, the doll covers the bubble wrap, but it works well. All gaps are filled with expanded foam to cut off the draft and prevent the insects from falling. The floor is a 1/2 inch OSB. The floor and insulation are screwed.

The details of the door. Used with long deck screws and metal brackets. powerful. It still needs its own insulation. Hidden. He can place 2 dolls side by side here. This means that he can store 4 dolls on one side of the door and 2 dolls on the other side. I hope this is helpful for those who are looking for a way to store their dolls in a hidden, safe place that is not too difficult to achieve.

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Блацк Фридаи Сек Долл Бранд Сале Онлине Схоппинг Цоллецтион


2022-11-20 22:30:29

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