Зар се још није појавила идеална лутка за жене?

On the other hand, midrange Јапанска секс лутка basically have various functionsheating, water injection, intelligent voice, detachablealthough the original intention is to be realistic, but with the technical level of midrange dolls, it is inevitable that people will play. Always remind him of the attributes of his items. The New York Times published a report in December 1976, "The Boston area has become an important target of police strikes." The article pointed out that inflatable dolls were listed as part of the American porn industry that should be cracked down.

Falling in love starts with mutual understanding. How can you start buying a wife without knowing it? Let's take a look at the growth history of the dolls! Sex dolls originated in Germany during World War II. In order to prevent German soldiers from befriending women of "nonAryan blood" and pollute the purity of "noble Aryan blood", and to prevent the spread of venereal diseases among the military, Hitler personally Order the production of a "toy" similar to the female physiological structure.

However, after experiencing this fantasy drifting in the Тпе секс лутка world, I began to doubt whether this demand exists widely for women: Is it harder for women to realize their passions and desires through an inanimate object? Or is it just because the current market is still absolutely dominated by men, and there has not yet been an ideal doll that belongs to women?


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Although the original "Lili" was relatively pretty in size and did not have a certain function, "Lili" was often put in various poses, and also came with a variety of clothing, which was obviously for men with certain needs to buy of. "Lili" is the first doll sold in large quantities. Although it has some defects, it is essentially a Лове Долл. The booming economy after the war and open social thoughts provided convenience for the rapid development of inflatable dolls.

Разлог зашто су људи људи је тај што имају слојеве жеља, и активно прихватају своје жеље, и напорно раде да би се суочили са напретком, како би живели што је могуће више. Цаи Кангионг помиње у "Срећном дневнику": Цивилизација нам показује укус. Функција овог укуса је да нам омогући да разликујемо да ли је жеља инфериорна или племенита, али нас не учи да постанемо људи без жеље.

Japanese puppet dolls are traditional јефтине лутке за секс made of wood. They have no limbs and are painted with traditional hairstyles and clothes. They were originally used as toys, but today, collectors are looking for them. They were first manufactured in northern Japan in the early 19th century. Their purpose is to satisfy the wishes of the local beauty and play something. However, the manufacturer also wants to add some historical value to the toys that parents want to pass on to their beauty.

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