Власник може да контролише лутку за секс

Not everyone will buy real-life ВМ Доллс or sex robots to meet demand, and many of them are looking for partners. In addition, real human sex dolls can help couples deal with long-distance relationships, and can also rely on unaccompanied. It is true that people's stories about it have become mainstream facts, but with this technology, not everyone should be afraid of it. . On the doll.

The sex doll company spares no effort to promote its corporate philosophy, focusing on sex, and the support of technology makes it possible to explore companionship and artificial emotions. Manufacturers are racing to produce better. In the near future, manufacturers will begin to use manual labor. However, as machine learning and algorithms begin to process data collected from intelligent users of the world, the technology will make a huge leap in the next few years.

Some thinkers think: "For a robot to truly love humans, it must experience it consciously and consciously." You even said that it must be self-aware. . But there is no doubt that this will bring more problems. "For some men, lover dolls are essentially about sex-some men even show emotional attachment to their lover јапанска секс лутка. They don't think so. Men even marry dolls because they are completely satisfied with their lover dolls. Emotional and sexual needs."

The most beautiful robot in the world, Erica will always be 23 years old. Her recordings were recorded by voice actors, including eyes, neck, and neck. There are 19 air pressure movements that can change facial expressions. By purchasing and collecting sensor information, Erica can know the voice and actions of the other party, so as to realize the communication and exchange of the other party. She was at her mercy and could not refuse. The owner has control over the doll, which is a bit like a sadomasochistic plot.

Some people may not be able to express their thoughts with a real partner, so they will get satisfaction from a doll. Personally choose her husband to be the most beautiful in the world, Erica will always be 23 years old. The voice is recorded by the voice actors, including eyes, temperament, neck, etc.

There are 19 altitude exercises to change emotions, collect information through Aika and sensors, understand each other's voices and movements, and make each other's communication and dialogue more enjoyable. One company even developed various shadows that can talk, smile and Monroe on its partner sex robot. The "Harmony" created by the American Abyss claims to be the тпе секс лутка to provide "emotional connection." Experts say that these professional robots will begin to appear in ordinary households in the next ten years.


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