Заједно уживајте у футуристичким силиконским јапанским секс луткама

It is reported that a sex robot brothel has been opened in Japan, and in order to cater to men's cravings for special shackles, brothels may introduce male sex robots. The boss wants to provide customers with a place to realize their "wild wildness" and launch a sex doll brothel in Nagoya.

Prior to this, Russia, Spain and Italy have opened similar brothels for sex robots. The new store in Nagoya said on the official website that "there is a futuristic sex with the hottest Asia." The three-hour room rate is 36,000 yen (250 pounds), and the one-hour room rate is 13,000 yen ( £90).

The website added: "This is the first time in Nagoya! It has brought the world's first surreal sex doll brothel. Now people can experience futuristic sex. With your favorite anime characters Get the most romantic date together. Make your dream come true and spend an unforgettable night with one or more sex dolls."
Customers can choose the clothes that dolls wear. Options include basic underwear, prettygirls, fitness or office wear. The store also accepts "special requirements" and has so far provided four dolls, including a Јапанска секс лутка with an E cup. When it comes to the introduction of male sex dolls, the boss told The Daily Star Online: "Recently, we talked to several bisexual clients who want to be with both male sex dolls and female sex dolls."
Speaking of the brothel venue in Japan, he added: "This service will be developed in a hotel. At the beginning, customers can choose between 4 different models. For now, the number of patrons is similar to the initial stage. We believe that as technology continues to improve, we can increase the number of customers as we offer new models to our customers."
The room is fitted with red lighting, a bed, a leather sofa and a TV. Continue to say: "At the moment, we still use sex dolls without extra features. There are some sex robots on the market that have extra features, they are equipped with facial movements and artificial intelligence. But at the moment, we have not considered introducing them into our Brothels, because they are too expensive and less realistic, and these features need more improvement."
I believe that because sex robots require very advanced technology and mechanisms, researchers need a medium to long-term time to achieve technological advances in this area. In 2020, we believe that new features will emerge, and existing features such as artificial intelligence will improve.

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