Робот сексуалних лутака покреће вештачка интелигенција

Dolls are usually smaller than the human body. Ordinary inflatable dolls range in size from 80 to 130 cm. Realistic dolls are up to 160 inches tall. At the same time, we are always looking for new trends and dolls so that you can provide steady growth in goods.

The sex doll robot owner creates a virtual version of his robot in the app and then uses them to simulate the foreplay. He showed a sample of a basic model doll on the stage for purchase.

No matter what you imagine, the doll can really add it, and many couples find their libido more expressive and creative. When you buy a silicone doll, it can be used out of the box - although you should clean it thoroughly before use. For most dolls, this requires at least a large wardrobe. Male sex dolls are suitable for everyone who gets the best out of their use.

He questioned whether people asked for this service. He said: "Yes, I do have it. Loneliness is a big problem in the UK. I think the most surprising aspect of this industry is that it is really not all."

This popular sex robot was built by a секс лутка company, a derivative of the California Love Doll Company. Sex doll robots are powered by artificial intelligence applications, and sex robot connoisseurs install applications on their smartphones.

The "My and My Sex Dolls" broadcast on TV is the first episode in the new "Sex Business" series - a three-part documentary that explores the less traditional areas of the sex industry. However, some viewers were shocked by what they saw.

“When you touch and touch, slowly approach and reach an intimate relationship. Take off clothes one by one and then enter sex mode. “Sex dolls are sold for the first time in March – for $6,000.

In the show, we met him, and he obviously didn't want to be discovered. He said that packaging women is fine, but later agreed to have sex with the doll on the camera. The robots have built our home appliances, cleaned up our houses and made our food - but now they will change how we get robots that are basically real dolls, with complex movements and imitating humans so they can play" region".

He said: "For me, women are very easy to accept, so I really have no problem. But, I want to try it, I want to do this, look at the fuss." He later explained: "At first there was some struggle because Obviously it is a doll.

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